For a sustainable future, we must have
Life Cycle Zero CO2 Emissions
The Second Environment Challenge was formed to make our supply-chain fully carbon neutral.
We are expanding our best practices into our value chain Supplier, Logistics & Dealers.
Our Approach to promote EMS
- Continuous engagements
- Kaizen sharing

Green Purchasing Guidelines

- Suppliers ISO 14001 (Parts & Accessories)
- Ensure 100% Acquisition

- Mandatory SOC 11 (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr6+)
Elimination of Heavy Metals
11 Substances of concerns, like (Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium) have been eliminated from all parts & Components of Toyota vehicles

- Compliance to Law & Regulation
- Enhance Environmental Performance

- CO2 reduction at Suppliers

100% Certification of all existing suppliers

Green Logistics
We have established a logistics sub-committee which focuses on reducing CO2 emissions and discarding waste sustainably during every step.

Promote EMS thru’ Eco Dealership Guidelines: This program strives to make our dealership operations more ECO FRIENDLY & Self Sustainable.
Eco Dealership Guideline focuses on:
- Establish a structure of environmental management system
- Minimize Environmental Risks
- Improve Environmental performance
- Activities to make better with customers & society